The Illogical Movies

Movies are an important part of our life. The characters, the dialogues, one-line, music remain in our memories. But as everyone’s perspective is different towards the movie, the views are different and then there is a good movie and a bad movie or even a worst movie.
Many a times I have heard people saying that, this movie is Illogical, it has no logic, the laws of physics are violated, etc. I just feel like laughing on these statements,  come on guys, it’s a movie, not a science project where the physics laws should be followed. And not everyone look for logic in movies. It is necessary for movies to have logic, I don’t disagree with this. But it is also necessary to have some so called Illogical masala pot-boilers.
Many people watch movies for refreshment. Some get exhausted from the daily 8 hour job, or some students trying to relieve their stress after the exams. If these people, with their tortured brains search for logic in the movies, then how can they get refreshed?!
There are audiences for all types of movies, it is our choice to watch whatever we like rather criticizing what we don’t like.
Sometimes it’s fun to watch the movies having larger than life heroes, item songs, flying cars, Dialogue baazi. All this doesn’t happen in real life, that’s why they are in movies. Just relax and enjoy. If you want logic, then go watch such movie, why waste time and energy in watching and then criticizing the so called Illogical movies?!
But it’s fun to watch them if you love to appreciate the work.

Author: DaniN

@CreativeKalakar (Twitter)

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